March 26, 2025
Assassination of JFK

Assimilating the Anguish

Assassination of JFK: Assimilating the Anguish

Assassination of JFK1

Perhaps no event of a tragic nature in human history, modern or otherwise, has ever universally impacted the very core of the human psyche as severely as the assassination of JFK continues to do. So long as we persist in our collective state of denial as to what the assassination of JFK means today the events of November 22, 1963 will punish the human psyche in much the same way as plagues, diseases, and natural disasters punish it. While we are aware of our tendency to enslavement through the devastation of our physical bodies by disease or by the fear that such devastation provokes within us, still we remain blind to the enslavement of our psyche through less obvious means.

Assassination of JFK

From the time man began to inhabit this planet there has been an assault on our collective sanity. Prior to “civilization” our main torment consisted of battling with the elements of nature (inclement weather, volcanoes, avalanches, earthquakes), finding or building shelter, acquiring sustenance, often involving the killing of animals for protein, farming and, of course, our never ending battle with disease. Less palatable by today’s more “refined” standards, men killed each other, not so much out of anger, but rather to survive in a highly competitive, primitive world.

Or so we have been led to believe.

Assassination of JFK

In reality, humans have killed each other out of malice from the very beginning, even when it was more convenient to work cooperatively. Yet the human race as a whole has always accomplished much more through cooperative endeavors rather than through individual efforts alone. The vast majority of human beings peacefully live and work side by side when they are afforded the opportunity to do so. The small minority, consisting of self-involved, suspicious, greedy, treacherous, but powerful little men with no vision beyond their fiat currency, hated Jack Kennedy. And they hate you, too.

Assassination of JFK

Assassination of JFK

The Kennedy assassination should not be viewed as a surgical strike, but rather as an invasion. It is the attempted purging of everything that is good from that which is everything else. The goal of the conspirators has nothing to do with the murder of the person, John F. Kennedy. It has to do with the battlefield of the mind. All that we’ve built, all that we’ve dreamed, all that we live for and all that JFK died for is in vain if we abdicate critical thinking. The Warren Commission Report is antithetical to critical thinking. It succeeded in leaving more doors open than closed. The result is a gaping wound to a nation that has never healed. We must, therefore, begin the process of Assimilating the Anguish … or perish.



 Assassination of JFK: Assimilating the Anguish — September 27, 2014 — Washington DC

Presentation by Greg Burnham



For more information visit my website.

Topic: Assassination of JFK

6 thoughts on “Assassination of JFK

  1. As never before nor since has there been a leader to deliver us to the world the purveyors world of war by a false god . As JFK would tell us all to carry on and grieve not fro him nor the Renaissance of evolution we were to have had, but carry on with a true Commission of Warren and betray the lie with Sanders against the war machine for which truth/peace is but too expensive to turn on Elm’s night not in horror.

  2. Mark I like what you say an of course it makes sense but I think capitalism ans Christianity cannibalistic self incarnation of reasons ass-ass-i-nation use each other as crutches in the wobbly visibly distorted lie torn stormy false story painted by and for them..

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