March 26, 2025

A Theory

by Staffan H Westerberg and Pete Engwall 

The killing of Dallas police officer JD Tippit is one of the undying questions in the JFK research community. To think one could solve the murder is perhaps a bit optimistic after all these years. Tippits death has always been surrounded with mystery and disinformation: Did a jealous husband kill him, or was it a random killing that happened by accident? JD Tippit as a narcotics dealer or a getaway driver for Oswald to the Red Bird Airport? The murder on 10th and Patton is not short of theories, but we think that the Dallas policeman had an important function that day – he was scheduled to die with the sole purpose of becoming the vehicle with which JFK’s killer was to be caught. As it were, before Tippits death the Dallas Police didn’t have any hard evidence to be able to explain to the American people how they were able to arrest Oswald for the murder of the President.

We believe the conspirators planned the details and the chain of events. Nothing happened by accident. Young intelligence officer Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, had secretly been chosen to be the patsy. It’s easy to see traces of how they used him and how they set him up to take the fall for both murders of John F. Kennedy and police officer JD Tippit. The Warren Commission’s final image of Oswald was that of a loner, a communist and arrogant radical and these characteristics had been skillfully crafted and planted together with the evidence to match the crime. Many astute researchers will say this was a plot created by hardcore professionals who had experience in the demise of various heads of state around the world.

J.D. Tippit's Car After His Shooting
J.D. Tippit’s Car After His Shooting

Fake Reality

The events that took place before the actual killing of JFK were likely very carefully planned and executed. However, there must also have been an escalation of intensity as soon as JFK was shot and until they arrested the patsy – the time between 12:30pm and 1:51pm. After the shots in Dealey Plaza, many things had to fall into place and properly work to cover up the crime. A new reality, a fake reality, had to be created, one that was good enough to fool all the observers and a shocked nation. Just think about it, they had killed the President but not yet completely gotten away with it.

“Operation Control Oswald”

First of all, they had to be able to control Lee Harvey Oswald, and they had to control him the entire time and then at the exact moment, apprehend him. With Dallas Police under their control, the men behind the coup could always fix the time on events to fit the final verdict. For instance, if Tippit was killed at 1:04 in reality, they could easily change it to 1:16 without any real opposition. But Oswald running around the streets and perhaps being seen by a bus full of senior citizens three miles away could be very hazardous to the chain of events, not to mention the fact that he could get into a random accident or disappears altogether. For those reasons alone, they had to control him every step of the way.

So when Deputy Sheriff Roger Dean Craig told the Warren Commission he saw Oswald get into a Nash Rambler station wagon on Elm Street at 12:40-45 outside the Book Depository, that’s when the moment of final control started. From then on they made sure they knew Oswald’s exact position and even took him to the place of his arrest. Consequently Oswald couldn’t be allowed to remain in the Book Depository. The murder of JFK lacked hard evidence against him; it didn’t materialized until the following Monday. Because of this we will argue that Officer Craig most certainly saw Oswald leave in the Rambler.

Patsy No 2

Meanwhile, since they had to create the image of a fleeing killer, they set up police officer JD Tippit to be ambushed in Oswald’s neighborhood. Right after Kennedy was killed, Tippit drove to the Oak Cliff area, which was not his regular patrol area. That means Tippit was directed to go to an area closely connected to Lee Harvey Oswald, where he would soon meet his death. The President was killed outside of Oswald’s work place and 30 minutes later a police officer killed near his home, this would pave the way to an open and shut case – one that would of course never go to trial.

JD Tippit didn’t know what was coming. He had been ordered to be on the lookout for Oswald. Later his wife, Marie Tippit, would learn this from a fellow policeman, according to author Joseph McBride in the book “Into the Nightmare”. This would actually mean that Tippit looked for Oswald before the Dallas Police arrested him and officially knew who Oswald was. Most likely Oswald wasn’t the only patsy that day. JD Tippit was sacrificed and his wife was financially well taken care of.

Which Oswald?

Oswald got out of the Nash Rambler at the Texas Theatre; a building owned by Howard Hughes, who had close ties to the CIA – and even used Robert Maheu, a major CIA operator as his chief of security. Oswald walked into the foyer around 1:00-07pm and bought a ticket, according to ticket collector Warren ”Butch” Burroughs.

Wait a minute, what about Oswald going home and being seen by his landlady Mrs. Earlene Roberts at approximately 1:00-04pm? Both these can’t be right since it was a mile apart between Oswald’s rented room and the theatre.

We are convinced that Butch Burroughs kept time well since the movie “War is Hell” started at 1:20, and keeping track of time was part of his job. Therefore we don’t think Mrs. Roberts saw the real Oswald. After reading the Warren Commission testimony of Earlene Roberts, we are even more certain of this as a plausible scenario. It is abundantly clear that she was heavily exposed to leading questions when confronted by people from the Secret Service and the FBI. The whole interrogation was about “Oswald’s revolver and the fact he changed into a jacket with a zipper”. Then in June of 1964 Joe Ball of the Warren Commission did much of the same thing and wouldn’t let go of the jacket and revolver that she had told them over and over again she never saw. Mrs. Roberts had not either seen a holster in Oswald’s room. Still Ball kept pounding on it.

Mr. Ball: Then, when you saw him, did you see any part of his belt?
Mrs. Roberts: No.
Mr. Ball: There is some suspicion that when he left there he might have had a pistol or a revolver in his belt; did you see anything like that?
Mrs. Roberts: No, I sure didn’t.

However, Mrs. Roberts did say Oswald didn’t speak to her when he came home that day. (Maybe that was due to the simple fact that the imposter knew he did not sound like Lee.) Oswald paid the rent on time, sure, but he hardly ever said a word. According to Mrs. Roberts’s testimony, Oswald was not a nice person, more of a loner who used the false name of OH Lee.

Oswald getting home to his rented room, passing Mrs. Roberts, is a scene almost carved in stone. There are not many – if any – researchers who question it.

We do, because we think this could be a staged scene with an imposter acting the part of Oswald – a second Oswald. All the imposter had to do was to make a fast entry, (just like Mrs. Roberts remembered it), pass behind her back while she was occupied with watching the news about the shots in Dealey Plaza, (just like Mrs. Roberts remembered it), then either stand silent outside Oswald’s door for a minute, or go in with a key and then after 30 seconds to 4 minutes return out and pass by Mrs. Roberts back, (just like she remembered it) and proceed out to the bus stop, (just like Mrs. Roberts remembered it). The jacket could have been under the imposter’s shirt while he went in. Hours later the two plain-clothes men from Will Fritz office could have planted the holster in Oswald’s room, if the second Oswald couldn’t do it.

We suspect that many researchers can have a problem with this scene. But just think of how easy it would be to fool an old lady who was nearly blind, worked up over the shocking news from Dealey Plaza and preoccupied with a TV screen that gave her constant trouble. For the conspirators to get a key to Lee’s room cannot have been a difficult task.

No, the planners had way too much that depended on Lee being perceived to have picked up a gun and a jacket in his room. Picking up the jacket made it possible to sneak out with the gun, tossing the jacket made it clear that the murderer wanted to change appearance in order to not be recognized. This was in reality not a hard scene for the imposter to pull off: All he had to do was to make sure he didn’t show his face clearly to Mrs. Roberts. Considering her poor eyesight, with only one functioning eye, together with the chocking news on TV that consumed her attention; it is very possible she didn’t get a good look at him. Had he been recognized as someone else than Oswald, we are sure that would never have been known to the public. Mrs. Roberts never signed her testimony, so we don’t really know whether her statement was subject to alteration or not.

Why Oswald Didn’t Go Home

So what was needed for this scene, why was this important? Well, it gave the impression of a fleeing Oswald who was in a hurry to arm himself and pick up a jacket to hide the gun –
exactly what you would expect from a man who just committed murder and was about to kill anybody who got in his way. An innocent man had no need to change clothes and get a weapon. If Oswald was seen at his rented room and Mrs. Roberts was right, then that would definitely incriminate him and put him close to the spot where Tippit was killed, and could thus be accused. Tippit was shot with a revolver or a pistol. He was not killed by rifle. In order to become Tippits murderer Oswald therefore had to have a revolver or a pistol. The Dallas Police later found a jacket tossed between the murder scene and the Texas Theatre. So they created five things that pointed to Lee Harvey Oswald as the killer:

  • Tippit was shot dead in Lee Harvey Oswald’s neighborhood.
  • Mrs. Roberts confirmed that Oswald was in the area at the critical time.
  • Oswald picked up a revolver that could have been used to kill Tippit.
  • Oswald changed clothes – got a jacket with a zipper that the police later found tossed along the way to the Texas Theatre.
  • Oswald was already a killer since he had killed the President.

But today we know all evidence shows Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent. Thus all this had to be a deception, a creation of the plotters. About the jacket that the Dallas Police found: It was a white cotton jacket. No one had ever seen Oswald in a white cotton jacket. About the revolver: Researcher John Armstrong has proven that Lee Harvey Oswald did not own the revolver in question.

Staged Killing

Officer JD Tippit had to die in order to create a false logical chain of events that eventually would lead to the arrest of Oswald in the theatre. Tippit was shot dead execution style with four shots. It happened on 10th Street and Patton Avenue around 1:04-06pm, according to reliable witnesses and Deputy Roger Craig who looked at his watch when he heard over the police radio of what had happened. At the time Craig was in the Book Depository in search for a weapon.

Many witnesses claimed they saw someone in the area who looked like Oswald. But all those witnesses had in some way ties to Jack Ruby, according to Joseph McBride. McBride felt there were two sets of witnesses since he also points out that several other witnesses said the killer didn’t look like Oswald at all – and that there actually were two shooters.

If there were two shooters, then it’s hard to imagine it could have been anything but a planned contract killing. A planned hit strongly indicates that Tippit was meant to be sacrificed. Jim Marrs is in on the same line of thinking:

“Whatever he (Tippit) was told, it appears his real role was to be killed to point suspicion at Oswald and make him a target as a ‘cop killer’.”

Joseph McBride reveals another stunning fact about the witnesses:

“Dallas oil and gas attorney Dick Loomis had his office in the same building as Lamar Hunt. Within ninety days of the assassination, Loomis bought the five houses on East 10th Street, the same side of the street where Tippit was shot, and immediately east of the driveway where the shooting occurred. This would have had the effect of removing possible witnesses from the neighborhood. It must have taken some doing to get everybody to agree to sell within such a short time. Loomis had the homes razed, and built an apartment complex in their space.”

Was this purchasing a vital part of the overall plot? One can’t help but wonder if it was. Buying up real estate could mean one would never be able to recreate the physical murder scene in search for the truth. Not to mention the legal effect it could have on attempts to re- open the murder case. Maybe this form of action-strategy is similar to the one of taking out

witnesses? The same MO can be seen in all the assassinations of political leaders in the 1960s: In Dealey Plaza they didn’t buy the entire area, but they moved lampposts and traffic signs to change the landmarks. In Memphis they turned the Lorraine Motel into a Civil Rights Museum and sold off the estate across the street where the sniper’s firing position most likely was. In Los Angeles they tore the entire Ambassador Hotel to the ground and built a school for children with special needs, named after Robert F. Kennedy. It definitely looks suspicious and part of a thought out plan.

“Operation Second Oswald”

If they were going to create a patsy – as we all believe they did – then they couldn’t rely on Oswald’s actions to promptly play the part; they must have had an imposter to follow a script. That’s the only way to be sure they could blame Oswald for the crime. So, if the imposter stepped outside Oswald’s rented room at 1:01-04 and Oswald walked into the theatre at 1:00- 07, while Tippit was killed at 1:04-06, there are ample (circumstantial) evidence of three simultaneous scenes a mile apart.

Let’s follow the imposter. His identity is not really important, but besides suggested imposters such as Larry Crafard, Michael Paine, Thomas Masens and others, there was one who looked surprisingly much like Lee Harvey Oswald and who went by the name of Don Norton.

(By the way: We are not sure about Armstrong’s idea of one Harvey and one Lee who were created by the CIA in the early 1950s, only to grow up looking very much the same thru the years. How CIA would know how to pick two boys who they knew would grow up to look the same thru the years is beyond our comprehension. We simply think that evidence points to a naval intelligence operation that perhaps was created in conjunction with CIAs defector program in the late 1950s.)

When researcher John Judge met Don Norton, he asked what he did on the 22nd of November 1963. Norton mysteriously said he wasn’t going to talk about that. Instead he was satisfied with sponsoring JFK researcher Mae Brussells radio program. Norton called it his “conscious money”.

We don’t know if Don Norton was the guy who went into Oswald’s rooming house, or if he was the person Bernard Haire and Butch Burroughs saw being arrested on the balcony and brought out in the back of the theatre shortly after Oswald was taken into custody? Whoever it was, we think it was the same man who a little later was spotted by auto mechanic TF White outside of Mack Pate ?s garage at a time when the real Oswald was interrogated. We do think the imposter was one and the same thru all these events; also the same person that later was seen by Sergeant Robert G Vinson on a military flight out of Dallas. Given the fact that Norton easily could be mistaken for Oswald, and considering the answer he gave John Judge, it is entirely possible that Norton was in Dallas that day. And if he was there, it sounds like he was used and felt bad about it.

So, while Oswald was under control and driven to the theatre, we believe the imposter did the following:

  • He went to 1026 North Beckley Avenue around 1:00pm and was seen by Mrs. Roberts, maybe he went there by bus and cab, maybe in a red Ford Falcon.
  • He then walked to the area near the Tippit scene, only to move in the direction of Jefferson Boulevard, Hardy’s Shoestore and the Texas Theatre.
  • He threw away the jacket on the way to the theatre.
  • He hid from the police in the shoe store and was noticed by Johnny Brewer, who closed the store and followed him. (We think Brewer could be an asset, since he, among other things, pointed out Oswald – the wrong man – to the police.)
  • The imposter then snuck into the theatre at 1:45pm without paying. (The real Oswald had already been there for 40 minutes.)
  • He then moved up to the balcony and kept a low profile.
  • After the commotion downstairs when Oswald was arrested, the imposter was brought out in the back of the theatre and was consequently seen by storeowner Bernard Haire, who said the man never wore a jacket.
  • Later, TF White saw the same man. (The imposter sat in a red Ford Falcon that had a license plate number which could be traced to a Carl Mather, a Collins Radio employee, who had close ties to – none other than JD Tippit.)
  • The red Ford brought him then to the Trinity River and the waiting military aircraft where Sergeant Vinson noticed him.

We could be wrong of course; these actions could have been the result of several imposters. Either way we can be sure it wasn’t the doings of an innocent man. Another indication of Oswald’s innocence was the alleged struggle with the revolver in the theatre. Did it really happened the way they said?

Oswald’s Arrest

There was something very peculiar going on when a ticket cashier 3 miles away from the crime scene could call the police at a moment when the phone lines to the Dallas Police must have been overloaded, only to have them send between 20-30 cops including the second assistant D.A. Bill Alexander to the movie theatre because a suspicious person walked in without paying for a ticket. Especially when the police modus operandi was totally different as they arrested three armed men in the railroad yard close to Elm Street at approximately the same time. That arrest was handled by two police officers that behaved extremely casual.

The day after, Dallas Chief of Police, Jesse Curry, described to reporters that several police officers had closed in on Oswald inside the theatre. At that moment Oswald had allegedly said: “This is it” or “Well, it’s all over now” and then pulled a revolver from his belt. We assume Chief Curry with this wanted to indicate that Oswald meant to kill one or more approaching officer. However, Officer Nick McDonald told a slightly different story: Oswald first hit McDonald with a right fist over the head. When McDonald then hit back, Oswald pulled a revolver from his pants, aiming to kill. As Oswald was about to fire, McDonald grabbed the gun over the cylinder and the hammer, with the part of his hand in the firing mechanism. As they fell into the seats Oswald pulled the trigger but the firing pin got stuck on McDonald’s hand – thus preventing a shot to be fired.

Seconds later four policemen apprehended Oswald, at which time he shouted out loud:

“I’m not resisting arrest! I’m not resisting arrest!”

The policemen had Oswald locked up in a firm grip. He had a black eye. Hours later when a reporter asked him about his injury Oswald looked sincerely upset: “A policeman hit me!”  He definitely didn’t act like someone who had started the altercation.

What kind of logic is this? First consider committing suicide by going for “OK Corral” in the theatre. Then seconds later, shout out something that would prevent the police from killing him on the spot. To come up with this kind of solution, it had to have been on his mind before anyone moved in on him. Then complain about getting hit in the eye when he allegedly threw the first punch?

This indicates that Oswald never threw the first punch – or any punch at all. One could even question if he had a revolver in his hand. There is no way to really know if he had a gun or not. But since we believe he was innocent of both killings, why would he have a gun, a revolver John Armstrong have proven he never owned or got the way they say he got it? This entire episode had to be full of lies. And those types of lies could also be detected in Chief Jesse Curry’s poor acting the day after the murders.

Lee Harvey Oswald's Arrest
Lee Harvey Oswald’s Arrest

Weak Explanations

On Saturday morning on the 23rd of November Dallas Police Chief invited a group of reporters to a quick press conference in the hallway of the Court building. Here it became obvious that Jesse Curry lied thru his teeth. One reporter tried to get answers as to what lead the police to arrest Oswald. This reporter wanted to know what information the police had. It was the most important question any reporter could ever ask. The answer Curry gave was awfully thin; obviously the Chief didn’t know what to say, because there was no official information that would sound sufficiently logical. For a brief moment Curry tried to answer the question. In the middle of his stumbling he was saved by another reporter, Bob Clarke of the ABC, who cut in and asked a seemingly harmless question.

Reporter: Chief Curry, could you detail for us what lead you to Oswald?
Curry: Not exactly, except uh… in the building we… when we went to the building why he was observed in the building at the time, but the manager told us that he worked there… And the officer passed him on up then because the manager said he is an employee.
Reporter: Was that before the shooting or after the shooting?
Curry: After the shooting.

As we all know there were a lot of people that worked in the Book Depository and the description going out over the Dallas police radio was a general description and didn’t necessarily match Oswald’s description: “White slender male, dark hair, in his 30s, weight 165 lbs, height 5’10”, was of course a description that would fit a lot of people.

Later, they tried to say Oswald was missing from an employee head count held around 1:00pm. If this head count was ever held, there were many people missing from it; remember the building was sealed off at the same time. The next head count was held at 2:00pm, according to a reporter colleague of Jim Marrs. At that time the only one missing was Lee Harvey Oswald. That is of course a stupid argument since Oswald was arrested nine minutes prior to the count.

The reporter that asked the important question was not satisfied and asked again with a little different angle. Jesse Curry then used the killing of Tippit as the reason they caught on to Oswald. The problem is the witnesses that identified Oswald in the lineups, after they got Oswald into custody, surely couldn’t have told the police about Oswald before they arrested him. It is very much like the case of the buggy getting home before the horse.

Reporter: After this happened, what was done in terms of getting the trail back to Oswald?
Curry: The next thing we knew is when he turned up as a suspect in the murder of a police officer (JD Tippit). And then the connection was made between the two. Reporter: Chief, did anyone see him shoot the police officer?
Curry: Yes.
Reporter: Who was that?
Curry: I don’t know the name. I think there were three witnesses… I understand.

If Oswald was a suspect in the Tippit killing, that wasn’t something the Dallas Police could use in the pursuit of the Presidents killer, as we mentioned. What is essential is what information
they had after 12:30pm and before 1:51pm. So, this whole line of thinking is pure disinformation. It simply has to be. It all comes down to the ticket cashier Julia Postal’s phone call to the Dallas Police. Shoe salesman Johnny Brewer told her to call the police since the mysterious man who didn’t pay for a ticket did in fact fit the description. A big problem with that is that Oswald still didn’t fit any description. Another is that it wasn’t Oswald who entered the theatre at 1:45pm without paying, it was the “Oswald look-alike” that was arrested in the balcony after the real Oswald had been brought out to the police car in front of the theatre.

Reporter: What lead you to the theatre?
Curry: I understand it was the ticket taker from the theatre that called about the suspicious action of this person.

The reporter who asked the important question was not satisfied; he still couldn’t understand how they got to Oswald, no matter what Curry tried to explain. In order to be able to lie like Curry obviously did, he had to know the truth. Otherwise he couldn’t have given so many wrong answers, unless he knew the correct ones.

Reporter: Chief, can you tell us in summary what directly links Oswald to the killing of the President?
Curry: Well, the fact that he was on the floor where the shots were fired from immediately before the shots were fired, the fact that he was seeing carrying a package to the building, the fact that…
Reporter: Who could place him there in the building?
Curry: My officer could place him there at the time of the shooting.
Reporter: The officer (Marion Baker) who was told by the manager that he worked there?
Curry: Yes…

No one placed Oswald on the sixth floor. We know that today. And only Wesley Frazier and his sister claimed they saw Oswald carrying a package of “curtain rods” to work that morning. No, that is not quite right, refrigerator repairman Ralph Leon Yates drove a “hitch hiker” who looked like Oswald to the School Book Depository two days earlier with a package of “curtain rods”. Since Oswald only had one window in his room on Beckley it is perhaps one too many curtain rods for the story to be believed. Finally, Officer Baker had no clue if Oswald had shot anyone or not, how could he? If Chief Curry didn’t present a bunch of lies to the reporters, then he would have acted otherwise. For instance, an honest person who didn’t know the answer to a question, would likely say so and perhaps check it out and get back to the reporter with an answer. This never happened with Curry.

“Operation Killing Tippit”

If you think the killing of JD Tippit was not planned, it sure had a big pay off, since it was the crime that – officially – lead the police to arrest Oswald. Curry used the Tippit killing as the reason to get to Oswald, even if he – not even the next day – could tell the press what information had led to the arrest. But by then he must have known that Oswald missing from the 2:00pm head count could not be the reason to arrest him earlier than 2:00pm. The only way Curry would keep using that was if it was decided as the official reason why they picked him up. Clearly they messed up in the timing.

Today we know Lee Harvey Oswald most likely was a completely innocent man. There is just too much evidence that exonerates him. The nitrate test, the FBI fingerprint test, the arrest report, the HSCA firearms tests, John Armstrong’s research on the revolver and the Mannlicher Carcano – it all show someone fabricated evidence against him. The evidence that was meant to finger Oswald actually points back to the conspirators. Fact is – a President killed outside of Oswald’s work place and then a police officer killed close to his home, are two circumstances that are very logical if Oswald was guilty, especially if they are timed so that the picture of an escapee emerges. But if he was innocent, those two murders become absurd in a logical sense.

Two shooters is the key to the murder of JD Tippit, we believe. If Aquila Clemons and several other witnesses are right in that they saw two culprits near Tippit, that would be the smoking gun that reveals “they” had already decided long before that Tippit was not meant to live thru the day.

So, Who Killed Tippit?

There has been talk about fellow officers Harry Olsen or Roscoe White, while other information suggests Jack Ruby and a rogue agent by the name of Gary Marlowe. The sad answer is nobody knows. How they guided him into an ambush on 10th Street could possibly be thru Collins Radio, perhaps controlled from a moving vehicle with communication onboard. Or maybe it was the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment who used its radio central in the Dallas Civil Defense Emergency Operation Center, situated in the basement under Science Place Planetarium Building in Fair Park. The leader of the 488th was Jack Crichton, a CIA associate with George Bush, who both recruited for Operation 40 – the unit first designed to assassinate Fidel Castro. We know there were many men from Operation 40 present in Dealey Plaza that day. Crichton’s 488th numbered a total of 100 men, 50 of them worked for the Dallas Police Department. On the other hand have we seen the shadow of Collins Radio when a Dallas reporter with the local FBI put a trace on the license plate number of the red Ford Falcon and found out its owner was a Collins Radio employee who was a friend of JD Tippit. It was of course Collins Radio who directed the radio communication from the White House to Air Force One going back to Washington and Bethesda Naval Hospital with the body of JFK.

Who Knows How the Murder was Organized

Most researchers are convinced Tippit was on a mission that day. It started minutes after Kennedy was killed; at 12.40pm Tippit acted with a sudden frenzy and drove fast to the local Gloco gas station in Oak Cliff. There he was intensely observing traffic coming from downtown Dallas via Houston Street. Ten minutes later he drove south on Lancaster Avenue. Soon he stopped off at a record store to borrow a phone. The employees at the store thought he didn’t get thru, that nobody answered Tippits call. After 1:00pm Tippit pulled over a James Andrews, only to take a quick look inside of Andrews car and then get back into the patrol car and continue west on West 10th Street. At 1:03pm the Dallas police radio operator tried to get in touch with Tippit, who didn’t answer.

This is most likely the time when Tippit encountered the two men, or more, who a minute later would kill him with three shots to the body and one to the head. Tippit never had a chance – and at this time the second Oswald was on his way to plant the jacket a few hundred yards away, heading towards the theatre, while the killers left the dead officer in the street and went separate ways. At the same time Oswald got his instructions from the driver of the Nash Rambler, before he went inside the theatre to meet his contact. Maybe it was the pregnant woman, who sat with him for a while, and would later disappear. Why would a pregnant woman want to see “War is Hell” on a Friday afternoon when the President’s motorcade passed thru town?

Three Operations

Behind the killing of JD Tippit we clearly see three separate operations. One was “control Oswald”, the other was the “second Oswald” and the third “killing Tippit”. Its only when you realize Oswald never went home that this scenario will emerge. Some researchers have suggested that Oswald actually could have gone home in the Rambler, made a quick stop at the rooming house, where he went inside to get the gun and jacket, and then continued on to the theatre. We can’t imagine this would be acceptable and sufficiently certain for someone who had made such a complex plan. Oswald at the boarding house had to be a “sure thing”. Sending Oswald to get a gun and jacket was too risky and could have alarmed him of being set-up. This would never have been considered.

Tippit had to die because they needed another killing in order to get more evidence against the patsy. Chief Curry, among other information, show that the evidence against Oswald being the President’s killer didn’t surface fast enough for the police to be able to use it to arrest him. All they would have had was the ticket cashiers phone call – and that wasn’t enough, at least they couldn’t count on that, months earlier when the plan was made. So they needed another murder, if nothing else to muddy the water.

56 thoughts on “Looking at the Tippit Case from a Different Angle

  1. Earelne Roberts said that “Oswald” left at 1 or just after and the DPD arrived half an hour later.

    Affidavit Dec 1963
    “Oswald went out the front door. A moment later I looked out the window. I saw Lee Oswald standing on the curb at the bus stop just to the right, and on the same side of the street as our house. I just glanced out the window that once. I don’t know how long Lee Oswald stood at the curb nor did I see which direction he went when he left there.
    About thirty minutes later three Dallas policemen came to the house looking for Lee Harvey Oswald. We didn’t know who Lee Harvey Oswald was until sometime later his picture was flashed on television. I then let the Dallas police- men in the room occupied by Lee Oswald. While the Dallas police were searching the room two FBI agents came in.”

    That would make it about 1.35 p.m.

    Oswald was arrested at 1.55 p.m. in the Texas Theater. How would the DPD know to go to Oswald’s rooming house before he was arrested?

  2. Ray, thats just it; we dont put much trust in this affidavit; we get the “feeling” Mrs. Roberts did not pay enough attention to Oswald to do this full observation, it looks bogus, to many details.
    As far as your last comment/question: “Oswald was arrested at 1.55 p.m. in the Texas Theater. How would the DPD know to go to Oswald’s rooming house before he was arrested?”
    As we say in this theory, there were three separate operations; Oswald was controled by the “conspirators” and driven straight to the Texas Theatre from the TSBD; he was never home. Meanwhile, a second Oswald went to the roominghouse and was seen (sort of) by Mrs. Roberts. That person was seen in the area, maybe he was the one who planted the jacket, and then walked to Hardy’s Shoestore and the theatre. While this happend two other men (or three) killed officer JD Tippit. Afterwards they left shell casings and a wallet with Oswald’s IDs in it.

    1. so if the timing or affidavit is to be believed & the cops arriving at the rooming house were for real, they would would have been there based on finding oswald’s planted wallet at the tippit crime scene.

      1. David, the wallet wasn’t handed to the DPD until after 2 p.m. As there were no radio transmissions regarding Oswald, his identity couldn’t have been known before this time, yet Mrs Roberts said the DPD arrived at her home about 1.30 p.m.

  3. Question for all of you: What would have happened if Oswald stayed put in the TSBD until the end of work hours (5:00pm)? Meaning, how would they arrest him, with what information? As I and my colleague Pete sees it, there was no information (until Sunday/Monday) to arrest Oswald on the 22nd of November. Thats is why he had to leave (with the help of others) the building. Oswald remained in 411 Elm Street would have messed the whole conspiracy plan up IMO.

  4. David, you could be right, unless the cops arriving at the rooming house were part of the plan. Perhaps the second (or third) wallet left at the Tippit scene was a planted possibility for further action; something they abandoned but couldnt keep secret?

  5. Hello,I find this an excellent and well-reasoned article and agree with much of it.Yet i would like to see you disprove the WC version of how Oswald got to his rooming-house to cement in that it was in fact Oswald whom Craig saw get into the Nash Rambler ( though i agree control was important but hadnt Oswald always behaved very obediently to his handlers) and not a lookalike and answer why such a cock-up was clearly made over the jacket esp the presence of dry-cleaning figs and color-they surely could have found a jacket much closer in appearance and without the numbers printed inside- and over the gun used as clearly there are huge holes in the ballistic evidence. Secondly how could they be certain that Mrs Roberts wouldnt get a close look at Oswalds face despite her bad eyesight? Was it worth the risk? Might another lodger have been back?Did they know that she was alone?Why couldnt Oswald have been picked up from the bus-stop and taken to the TT? The honking police vehicle also needs explaining. For a long time i believed that Oswald did get into the Nash Rambler until i was convinced that the WC findings on Oswalds route back do largely hold up,the bus driver aside….maybe it doesnt essentially matter as its clear that T was sacrificed and was patsy no 2? However would a plot so closely orchestrated depend on Tippit by chance running into an Oswald in the Oak Cliff area?To me it seems more likely that he had a specific mission and panicked when he heard about the assassination of which he may have already heard rumors or indeed have been even more deeply involved….Tippit was intended to lead suspicion to Oswald and the chance that he would miss him or not be shot couldnt be allowed to even exist.There was a rendez-vous and Tippit had a mission…..its an excellent article and the first ive seen referencing Loomis since Harrison Livingstone

  6. Do the authors of this interesting viewpoint think its possible that Tippit was a grassy Knoll shooter? After I read McBride’s latest book I began to wonder if that could be true. I posted a question to McBride but so far no answer, so I thought I would ask it here. McBride broke ground when he interviewed Tippit’s father, who claimed his son was a crack shot. Tippit has an official alibi for 12:30 pm that day, but not a good one. A store owner claims he phoned the police with a complaint about a shoplifter, and Tippit answered the call – at 12:20. However there is no corroborating evidence from the Dallas police of this phone call or the arrest of the shoplifter. At 12:40 pm Tippit was reliably spotted at a Glaco gas station less than two miles from Dealey Plaza. He appeared to be watching a freeway exit. The next 30 minutes of his life he was behaving frantically, chasing down a car for no apparent reason, dashing in to a record shop to use the phone and getting no answer. On the surface the best explanation for his behavior is that he had received a police dispatch and was looking for a suspect in the assassination. Maybe. But that story seems designed to link Oswald to Tippit’s death.
    Do the authors here have a theory as to Tippit’s role before the assassination? Did he know he was in danger?

  7. Judyth,
    thanks, glad you like our little effort to offer a theory.
    And yes I agree with your take on the holster, definitely.
    I would say the top research area to probe now is Dallas Police Departments involvement with the 488th Military Detatchment. If I lived in the States there is were I would go.
    Thanks again for the kind words. 🙂

  8. Ken, thanks again for your comments.
    Im not sure what you mean by “I would like to see you disprove the WC version of how Oswald got to his rooming-house to cement in that it was in fact Oswald whom Craig saw get into the Nash Rambler”?
    I will try to give my (humble) answers to some of your questions, OK?
    How could they be certain that Mrs. Roberts wouldn’t get a close look at Oswald’s face despite her bad eyesight?
    My answer is: we don’t really know what she saw; after the SS/FBI/DPD/WC was done with her she certainly was a “contaminated witness”. Or, had she seen him we wouldn’t know about her today, and/or there were other “witnesses” they could use.
    Was it worth the risk?
    Good observation if you think there could have been risks involved. But she could have been one choice of many; the planners must have planned with several options, I would guess.
    Might another lodger have been back?
    Do you believe in luck? Otherwise good thinking!
    Did they know that she was alone?
    Most probably is my guess. (I’m sorry this becomes a guessing game)
    Why couldn’t Oswald have been picked up from the bus stop and taken to the TT?
    It is possible an “Oswald look alike” rode the bus and took a taxi. But I don’t believe that really happened. I think Oswald rode with the Rambler and talking, getting orders from the driver; they had to make him feel his was part of the operation. Yes I think he was a low level agent who thought he was part of a team. If it was David Sanches Morales who drove the car, I don’t think “little” Oswald would do anything but follow orders.
    Ken, there are many possibilities of planted information, planted scenes, as we suggested in the article Coke Incident, Captain Fritz’s Notes and the Limo Stop. It is pure speculation on our behalf of course, but we believe there are planted scenes that speak to JFK (CT) researchers, being something that enforces the conspiracy angle, scenes that never really happened. In the Coke incident you have the police officer that said, “Oswald acted calmly”. Somehow, many researchers get stuck on this statement and believe it to be true because it supports Oswald being innocent. We believe this scene never happened. The same goes for the police car honking the horn outside of Oswald’s rooming house. If you read the WC testimony of Mrs. Roberts she comes across like a tired, half blind old lady, not very much smarter than Helen Markham, when she has to answer to questions about Oswald’s revolver and jacket, things she has no clue about. But then you read her – unsigned – affidavit, where she seem to be a totally different person; clear headed, right to the point etc. It is in the affidavit where she mentions the police car, not in the WC hearing. What number did the police car have? Were there two men sitting in the front seats? Did they have police uniforms? Or was it a small uniform jacket hanging in the window, did Mrs. Roberts get it wrong? The police car is another thing researchers take for granted really happened. We don’t think there ever was one. Why would this upset lady with one eye, who most likely was glued to the TV set and watching the news from Dealey Plaza, why would she get up and notice that police car around the time “Oswald” came home? She also noticed that Oswald went to a bus stop. That’s the whole key, we think. She saw a lone Oswald by the bus stop, when it wasn’t Oswald to begin with, and when that “Oswald” probably got into a red Ford Falcon parked outside. The police car is just to establish that Mrs. Roberts saw what happened outside the house, to make it more believable that she also saw Oswald at the bus stop. Oswald alone at the bus stop fits the WC scenario while Oswald in a red Ford Falcon screws everything up. But we don’t really know what she saw, if anything, since this was taken down in her alleged affidavit. We don’t know how much, if any, the Warren Commission, changed her testimony either.

  9. Paul,
    “Could Tippit have been a shooter?”
    He could of course, but we think it is unlikely. Besides the time issue it kind of sounds/feels like a very poor choice, both creatively wise and resource wise: Didn’t “they” have enough people that could shoot instead of using a person that would play such a significant role (that we think Tippit did)? Tippit, first in Dealey Plaza with a rifle, firing, killing JFK, only to move him to Oak Cliff (3 miles from DP) and then kill him some 35-40 minutes later. Actually it sounds silly when you think about it. Talk about risks! Imagine you are the planner of this scenario. Would you use one person for those two very important tasks? What happen if he was stopped somehow? The death of Tippit is pivotal for the entire case. Without him dead they couldn’t arrest Oswald, at least they would have a hard time explaining the scenario to all “honest” reporters. Had Oswald stayed put in the Book Depository I cannot see how they would be able to arrest him!
    As for the second question: Well that’s difficult to answer of course. “Did Tippit think he was in any danger?” Yes, it seems that way. At least research show that he was on some kind of mission. It makes sense that he would try to intercept Oswald, like Tippit’s father told Joseph McBride. They must have given him a job to do that day. We know Tippit met with Jack Ruby and a few others in the Carousel Club a week before, we know he was seen in a restaurant when Oswald was there (they didn’t interact), maybe this was part of setting him up?
    I would recommend all to read Joseph McBride’s book Into the Nightmare, which is a goldmine when it comes to information surrounding the Tippit case.

  10. While others look for new information, our way of analyzing is more based on removing what could have been added by the “protectors” of the plot in order to confuse the overall picture. A good example is the unsigned Roberts affidavit which is an excellent way of adding confusing “facts”.
    Another approach we also use is to always keep it realistic. We have a theory of how JD Tippit was killed. Here it is:

    Thanks to research by Joseph McBride Pete and me will suggest this scenario: Tippit and an unknown colleague had the mission to look for Oswald in Oak Cliff. Perhaps Tippit was told he had to drive Oswald to Red Bird, perhaps he was told something else, but it was unlikely that he was told to kill Oswald, in our opinion.
    Anyway, Tippit and this other officer in two separate patrol cars drove around the area, the unknown officer went away in one direction while Tippit ended up at the Gloco station. Later (after the phone call in the record shop) Tippit saw this other patrol car down on 10th Street; the car was parked and he could see that his colleague had two men inside. Maybe people from intelligence, maybe associates of Ruby. The two men stepped outside the patrol car, the officer stayed put. The two men walked casually towards Tippit’s car. Tippit relaxed and anticipated what they would tell him. The last thing Tippit would think was that he was in any danger. He didn’t see it coming – and they killed him point blank. This scenario takes care of all the remaining loose ends. Oswald can be killed/arrested at the Texas Theatre as a cop killer. Later the jacket will be found.

    1. Leroy Blevins has some awesome video discoveries. Watch the cop hanging out the second floor of the Records Building, where we know Saul “Saggy” was also stationed. Tell me he does not resemble J.D. Tippit.

    2. I understood that Tippit got out, walked around the car with gun drawn; it was found under his body.
      What do I know? I wasn’t there!

  11. This is how Pete Engwall explains it: “The JFK case is bloated with information and it is possibly so by design, there is a simple way of showing this with math. If you have a table and 4 chairs, 4 people can sit around that table in 4x3x2x1 ways or 4! Which is 24, different ways, the same case for a table with 8 chairs is 8! Which is 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 which is 40,320. Toss in a few more “facts” and the possibilities become enormous.
    Our point being that after the 22nd of November 1963 there are no more clues that are real, but they, the “Protectors” of the plot, can still manipulate witnesses and affidavits to add “facts” that have to be taken into consideration and thus making the analysis a much bigger task than otherwise. We feel that this was a possible way they protected the truth by adding confusion and endless possibilities. Staffan and I try to question each and every detail to see how it has been included into the case, and when possible, we try to see what the picture is without that “clue”.”

  12. This has been a great night of reading….wondering when the last employee count was at the TSD…did Marion Baker ever report anyone who was out of place in the building after his search with Truely when they closed down the building? Never understood why Oswald had to go to the boarding house–innocent or guilty(or there at all). When Oswald left the TSD it seems to me to indicate (1) he knew about the event, but things for him went wrong– (2) he was part of the overall plan and his getaway plan was lousy–(3) he did it alone and his getaway was really poorly planned–(4) he was innocent and his response plan was awful! His meeting up with Tippit and Ruby’s meeting with Oswald are circumspect at at best…enjoyed the newest proffer.

  13. Mark,
    the “last” head count at the TSBD was held at 2:00pm (according to a colleague to Jim Marrs; this colleague showed Marrs his old notes from that day, it said 2pm!). Well, that was 9 minutes post Oswald’s arrest. I dont think one should put any trust in Marrion Baker and/or Roy Truly as honest witnesses (but thats just my opinion).
    Yes, I also believe he knew much more – he was most likely a low level intel agent – how else could they steer him inot the set-up? Im not sure he had a “getaway plan”… perhaps he was told to meet someone to either get new orders or told to help out one of the shooters somehow. We dont know this part and can only guess. Your guess is as good as mine.

  14. Thanks Stefan & Pete…some additional thoughts for you…We can also add into the mix the fact waitress Mary Dowling (Dobbs House Coffee Shop, 1221 N. Beckley, see FBI statement but not called by WC) and waitress Dolores HarrisonI; they describe ‘Lee’ on 20/11 causing a ruckus over his breakfast order (around 10am) and this being witnessed by ‘regular’ Tippit (who is way out of his ‘home’ area)…I would argue ‘attitude’ by Lee (Harvey working at TSBD) was to be purposely spotted by Tippit as this would be ‘his man’ to transport to Redbird/or SafeHouse on 22/11…perhaps 10th & Patton had a safehouse in one of the buildings/homes eventually bought up by Loomis. Also, what about the barber shop near Ruby’s apartment that owner saw ‘Lee’ hury past the 10th street hair shop? (I surmise this is where Rambler dropped ‘Lee’ first)…10th & Patton is half-way point between Ruby apartment & 1026. I see Tippit ‘frantically’ (Top Ten call and Gloco wait) searching for his ‘passenger’. Is it not possible that the little self-contained small apartment house (at bottom of driveway) behind main 1026 building was a safehouse? ‘Lee’ there? Harvey in little room in main house? Perhaps uniform in car 10 window was to be worn by his ‘passenger’? A bricklayer, on lunch at Town & Country Café, 2 stores west of 10th barber shop, saw ‘Lee’ heading west on 10th, as did 2 others around 1pm. Interestingly, Manager Brewer was informed by a ‘friend’ of Ruby’s, Tommy Rowe (was Rowe in shop at time?) (Rowe ‘neighbour’ at Ruby’s Ewing St apartment bldg)…was it Ruby’s friend who recognised ‘Lee’ (who perhaps signals Ruby friend from vestibule) and rang police? ‘Lee’ goes upstairs in the cinema leaving ‘Harvey’ downstairs for the pickup.

  15. Thank you Mark de Valk.
    Yes, it is certainly more to the story. Pete and I, however, would be glad if any researcher would take on the task of entering into a logic/common sense analysis on the “Harvey & Lee” issue. We dont buy the premise of “Harvey & Lee” in the earlie 1950’s. How could the CIA find two boys in 1952-ish and “know” that they would grow up looking alike? There could have been two boys, but we would argue that its easier to manipulate photos and records than an entire childhood. However, there is no doubt there was one (or several) look-alike(s) hovering around Oswald in the earlie -60’s (Hoover document 1960). This doesnt mean we invalidate Armstrongs excellent work.

  16. Lots of doppelgangers of Lee Harvey Oswald:
    – Kerry Thornley (fellow Marine; FPCC pamplets in N.O.)
    – Larry Crawford (BW Frazier’s childhood pal from Texas; not Crafard, a different guy, from Minnesota)
    – John Masen, gun runner with Ruby from Ft. Worth (busted by ATF agent Frank Ellsworth, who was at DPHQ when LHO was brought in and was astonished, thinking this was Masen that he had jailed 3 days previously)
    – William Seymour (Interpen member; 6 other Interpen members in Dealey Plaza)
    – Igor Vaganov (born in Latvia; grew up in Germany; spoke Russian fluently; crack shot; electronics expert; drove red T-Bird convertible all around Oak Cliff; had a rifle and a .38 Special in his trunk; photographed outside Texas Theater at the time of the arrest with a radio in his hand.)

    All of them except Crawford are involved at certain points:
    -Thornley delivered FOCC leaflets to LHO in New Orleans
    -Masen did the shooting range incident with Frazier as driver;
    – William Seymour did the Oak Cliff morning incidents (restaurant complaint, buying beers, etc). and then the trail to the Texas Theater, went in the balcony, led out the back door, released 2 blocks later, then got in Carl Mather’s Plymouth and drove off [FBI changed it to a red Ford Falcon – don’t be fooled!])
    – Vaganov did the wild test-car ride at the dealership, radio communications, etc.
    a back-up patsy.

    etc., etc., etc…..

    Now you see the great depth of the plan and why it is so hard to get a handle on it. The place to start:
    Gen. Edwin Walker
    William Harvey
    Col. William C. Bishop
    Gerry Hemming
    Roy Hargraves
    Felipe Vidal Santiago
    Michel Mertz

    >all at Walker’s Dallas house in April 10, 1963, planning strategy. LHO got a picture of Santiago’s car licence plate, which was found by Dallas cops in Paine’s garage. Later, the licence plate was physically cut out of the picture. You know that had to have had huge importance to require that blatant a cover-up.
    > This same night, Gerry Hemming fakes the ‘shot at Walker’ that is used against the patsy 6 months later. Hemming admitted it. Two men seen driving away from the scene. LHO didn’t drive……

    and so on….

    1. I knew Gerry Hemming very well. He did NOT admit to faking a shot at General Walker. “Faked shots” were not his style. He was not a man who would miss by accident as he was simply far too good a shot to miss. He was also not a man who would have agreed to fake a shot at anyone. He was not that stupid nor was he inclined to take unnecessary risk. I don’t know where you got that bit of disinformation from, but you should check your source before repeating it.

      1. Hemming missed on purpose, as part of the elaborate set up of the patsy.
        This was following the meeting of April 10 with Col. William Bishop, William Harvey, Michel Mertz, Felipe Vidal Santiago, Roy Hargraves and Hemming at Walker’s Dallas home. No one has said it, but undoubtedly Robert Surrey, Walker’s constant companion, was there as well. Mertz gave a report on the Lake Pontchartrain training camp and was well pleased with the effort there. The goal was to have trained teams of assassins ready to go in, right after the US military launched a full scale invasion, following the assassination of the President and the flight of the patsy assassin to Mexico City and thence to Havana. The teams would kill all the Cuban leadership, in order to replace them with a new (right wing) government.

        1. I am not a conspiracy “theorist” and therefore I don’t entertain irresponsible speculation. The ability to list the names of various individuals associated with anti-castro operations does not lend your “theory” credibility. It just means you know how to spell the names you listed. As for your “kill all the Cuban leadership” theory, it makes no sense. For if it was true, then why did we not invade? The preparation for such an operation would have been quite extensive and expensive. The vast amount of investment in time, personnel, and equipment to plan an invasion of this magnitude could NOT have been stopped merely because the patsy was dead three days later. Indeed, those who put together an imaginary plan, such as the one you suggest, would have easily been capable of spinning the cover-story in a manner allowing the invasion, in which so much had been invested, to proceed as planned. If the intent had been to link Oswald to Castro in order to invade, the plan was successful. Even to this day the majority of Americans believe that Oswald was a Castro supporter that did NOT act alone. So while Americans believe it was a conspiracy, most believe Oswald was a part of it and that he supported Castro. But we did not invade. Why? Because you are simply employing supposition in place of hard facts.

  17. The invasion was telegraphed by the Interpen members who were training for it, slated for the first week of December. It did not go ahead because LBJ shut it down, fearing nuclear war with the Soviets. He said this repeatedly, and even used it as an excuse to arm-twist Earl Warren into heading the ‘investigation’ (actually the cover up). This is very well known.

    I checked my written notes on the Walker killing and find that I have two men, one 6’7″, that drove away in different cars. The police said the bullet was most likely a .3030 or a .3006. So I put two and two together and thought: a 6’7″ man with a .3030 is Gerry Hemming. But upon going back to the neighbor kid’s testimony to the police, it was a 6’1″ man, not 6’7″. So that error led me to believe it must be Hemming, because how many men are 6’7″? Mea culpa.
    Now I have to dig to find the interview with him about the shooting.

    You don’t believe in a conspiracy? You are looking into the wrong event!

    1. I don’t “believe in” a conspiracy to assassinate JFK, I know it was a conspiracy. There is a difference. However, that does not mean that I am a “conspiracy theorist” at all. A “conspiracy theorist” offers supposition as to what happened. Some of these may present their case in a responsible, coherent, manner while others may not. The imprecision of the language you are employing is unfortunate. Please use care when posting to my site as it is entirely your responsibility to make your argument unambiguous.

  18. I spent 10 years analyzing all the films and images in the JFK Assassination and within that time I have uncover photographic evidence.
    There were in fact 5 gunmen there that day and there were in fact 13 shots fired that day.
    JFK was shot 4 times and Gov.Connally was shot 2 times. Then there were 7 distraction shots taken.
    My story is based on photographic evidence. If you like to see the evidence you can contact me at
    Thank you for your time.
    For the truth will be told.

    1. 12 gunmen
      11 radio men
      16 shots fired
      JFK hit 6 times (first one was flechette in the throat)
      Connallly hit twice
      five hits in the limo
      2 hits in the infield grass
      1 Tague hit
      $1,642,000.00 paid in total to the shooters and radiomen

  19. Oswald was framed. He never shot JFK or J.D. Tippit. Oswald was setup as the fall guy by our very own government and many people close to the actual investigation who knew it ended up dead.

    Check the facts.

  20. 4 quick points.
    1. For those of us who have driven a car with a vent window(Officer Tippit’s police car), we know you use the window for air and would only open it to talk to a person if we were yelling for the person to ” jump in” and not an extended conversation.
    2. Officer Tippit’s patrol car is not pulled over to the curb but is a yard from it and beginning to pull away from the distant curb.
    3. The jacket and attire Oswald is wearing as he emerges from the Theatre is a Brown jacket with white tee shirt. How do you get a second white jacket to fit on his person?
    4. The expression on the arresting officer with a cigar in his smiling mouth is totally inappropriate for a cold blood killers arrest. The smirk and the pose of Detective Paul Bentley who claims the gun misfired and then changes to his thumb blocked the hammer of the pistol.

  21. I agree that there has been a wealth of false information planted; witness statements, times, places etc etc changed. The sheer amount of possible leads, scenarios, connections has become almost overwhelming.
    I am starting to despair somewhat that the actual truth of the matter will ever be found. I have reached this point mainly because the basic information and facts have been tampered with to such an extent that it seems to have become almost impossible to separate truth from fiction eg. either the landlady heard and saw a police car at the front of the boarding house or this did not happen (according to which researcher you read). To my mind this one simple fact is PIVOTAL to the whole conspiracy theory. If it happened (“the police car number had a’1′ and a ‘zero’ in it”), then this definitely connects Tippet with Oswald. If it didn’t happen then perhaps another ‘false lead’ sends us off nowhere.

    Someone please give me some DEFINITES.

    Enjoy reading all your comments.


    1. Someone here commented that the landlady wouldn’t likely have noticed the police car out front, her vision not being good and they added that she probably was engaged in watching a soap opera on tv at that time of day. This theory allowed the blogger to assert that the story was contrived and that no police car showed up at the boarding house that day.
      I watched this landlady being interviewed and she stated that whenever this police car came by for Oswald, ( she claimed the police came by to pick up Oswald on other occasion(s) also ),………… they would honk their horn. She said they had some signal worked out so Oswald would know it was them,……………..such as one honk followed by a pause and then 2 more honks. She explained that she was aware of that police car on that day because they gave their honk ‘signal’, but she said Oswald wasn’t there and the police didn’t wait very long before driving away. She may have indicated how many policemen were in the car that day but I can’t recall. She also said that she remembered part of the police car (id) number, and she provided that in that interview also. I think she said the police car number could only have been one of two possible numbers, but I’ve forgotten those details also. Anyway, this interview was conducted by a researcher, I believe,……. and it shouldn’t be too difficult to find.
      None of this proves anything, like most other info in this mystery, but I think the fact that the police had a habit of honking their horn lends credibility to the likelihood that she would have ( heard )seen that police car that day. However, it’s the landlady that’s providing the story regarding the police honking as a habit, so corroboration for that claim would be helpful. Who would have been nearby that could echo the story re: the police honking when they came by for Oswald?
      Also, I don’t think the landlady knew the reason for the previous visits by the police to visit Oswald………………
      A question I have is regarding Oswald in the tsbd. I’ve heard the story many times that the first officer to enter the tsbd, less than a minute after the shooting, saw Oswald in the 2nd floor cafeteria. Oswald appeared to be calm and not breathing heavily. The officer was told by a building manager that was with him that Oswald worked in the building so the officer was satisfied that Oswald wasn’t involved and he continued going up to the 6th floor. If that story is correct, how can the whole situation regarding Oswald shooting Tippit and being involved with the JFK shooting be possible?
      If that first officer wasn’t suspicious of Oswald doesn’t that interfere with the entire scenario regarding Oswald and his involvement? If Oswald was innocent he had no reason to leave the tsbd and if he was guilty,……… I would expect that he would stay in the tsbd because he was seen by an officer and not suspected. The best thing for a guilty Oswald at that point would have been to stay put.

  22. Phone Calls:
    (1) 1:00 – “shortly after 1:00” Corroborated, Tippet dialing a rotary phone at Record shop. Assumed by employee and mgr that no one picked up on the other end.
    (2) 1:00 or a “little after” Earlene Roberts ON The Phone with girlfriend about the news on TV, “He came in”.
    You could somewhat force a rotary dial of that vintage clockwise but not counter clockwise. Allow for connection and you can approach 45 seconds or slightly more. That aggravated posture of Tippit may have been from him listening to a busy signal!

  23. 1. Im not sure the car was a red ford falcon but a 57……
    2. Tippits death certificate. Was is signed by the doctor as time of death 1:15 when the doctor saw tippit at the hospital and pronounced him dead?

    if so, work backwards in time with the aumblance etc…..

  24. Is the second oswald still alive today? If he is, how could they let him live? Here they execute

    this elaborate plan, get away with it, yet let a loose end like the second oswald live? He was

    probably a low level loser like LHO, probably not one of the planners of this plot. If you were one

    of the master minds of this, and every little detail was thought of and executed, again, why would

    they let him live? If he is dead, when did he die?

  25. I thought the first police officer that entered the sbd saw Oswald on the 2nd floor in the cafeteria. It was less than a minute after the shots were fired and Oswald appeared to be calm and not breathing heavily. If that’s true, how could police later claim he was the jfk assassin?

  26. If James Files is considered credible here, he has indicated that Tippit’s killer was someone he knew. There’s a picture of this guy with 23 year old James Files,………….look for the video interview Files gave from his prison cell in Illinois. Files said he’s not sure if this man is still alive, therefore he wouldn’t give up the man’s name. Apparently he lives by the rule that he won’t give anyone up unless the person had passed away.

  27. Is there evidence of special operator or spy tradecraft occurring in Dealey Plaza before the President is killed?
    Second, if we simply stipulate that this was a multi-agency decision to remove the President, what would be the reasons? Corruption, greed, national security, mercy killing, etc? Rogue operation or sanctioned removal?

  28. Let’s rate the entrepreneurial talent of Jack Ruby. We know he was not rich enough to open 2 to 3 full size dancing clubs in Dallas on his own money. So let’s ask whether Ruby have Warren Buffet’s similar business building talent to turn an unlicensed beach beer vending business into something corporate? I don’t think so. How did he end up owning 2 strip joints? These were no small money or shabby shoe-shining stand by any train station. It must be Marcello, Trafficante or Texan syndicate’s investments. Before he moved down to Dallas, he was only a low level lackey who sold race forms to make a living in Chicago. Therefore, Ruby should be a promoted front man of the Mafia to make entrenchment into Dallas or the Texas market. He owed the mafia so much that he had to pull a big job for them. Besides, low level or mid-level guys often execute assignments like martyrs. They are often more instinctively aggressive than their honchos for they like to prove themselves. The investors or handlers don’t even need to worry about Ruby’s loyalty and stamina for he enjoyed his missions so much that you can’t even take it away from him. Look how poised he looked after the pop.

  29. Interesting analysis but you have missed the point that Oswald and Tippit were working together with Ruby and various others to screw things up that day.

    The information on this incident can lead to several conclusions which is what causes problems for investigators.

    There were at least 2 groups operating that day but the assassination group didnt realize this until something went wrong just before 12.30pm and the assassination rifle was missing.

    The man that shot Tippit was in fact part of team chasing Oswald after he fled TSBD.

    Oswald did go to the rooming house and change his clothes, and only went to the Theatre because the assassination people had been seen heading to Tenth Street by Tippit.

    The Oswald double was in fact Billy Lovelady by taking a bus and taxi to Oak Cliff then rolling up at the theatre, and he may have been their backup patsy.

    Somehow they discovered Oswald was at the theatre either by a leak or survelliance.

    Oswald was not the intended patsy for the assassination of JFK but made so at the last minute.

    1. Every statement is incorrect.
      Oswald was part of a gunrunning sting operation against Ruby the same week as the assassination. The FBI and ATF got their wires crossed and the two crooks involved in the weapons transfer fled in their car, only to be chased by the Dallas cops, and crashed, ending up in the Dallas cop shop lockup.
      Ruby was moving guns stolen from the US Armory and fenced through John Masen, Ft. Worth gunsmith, to New Orleans to anti-Castro Cuban radicals, such as DRE (Carlos Bringuer).
      Oswald broke up one camp at Lake Pontchartrain and then was reassigned to Dallas to get the source. His FBI handler was Warren DeBrueys who transferred at the same time. DeBrueys was never interviewed.
      Oswald was set-up as the patsy by the group that General Walker headed up. Their plan was that Oswald would flee to Mexico City and then fly by Cubana Airlines to Havana, leaving a trail as a ‘commie assassin’, and thus triggering a US invasion of Cuba. But the other group was opposed to that plan and Oswald was instead directed to the theater where he was to be shot while resisting arrest. He refused to resist, even when punched in the face, and that spoiled that plan. Ruby was forced to take care of the loose ends.

      1. Ruby may have been into a lot of illegal activities but “Dr” Saul’s post shows how incorrect he is because Ruby didnt take of anything. And those in the know will know what Im talking about.

        1. Ruby was sent to Dallas after the war by Sam Giancana to run the Mafia’s activities in Texas. Ruby was a gun runner, a heroin distributor, a whoremaster and the police pay-off man from 1945 on. The famous picture of Nixon being introduced to Ruby by Prescott Bush in 1946 tells volumes. Ruby ran guns into Cuba in his own 50′ army surplus boat from his house on the Gulf, before the revolution. His contact receiving the guns for Castro was Frank Sturgis, CIA asset.

          Ruby received Mexican heroin and distributed it in Texas. Rose Cherami was a Ruby drug mule and prostitute who spilled the beans after she was thrown out of a car traveling from New Orleans to Dallas. The car was driven by Sergio Arcacha Smith and the other passenger was Emilio Santana, one of the shooters in Dealey Plaza the next day. Santana was recruited for the CIA by George HW Bush before the Bay of Pigs. Santana admitted in open court that he was a shooter (second floor DalTex Bldg) on Nov. 22/63, in return for an airline ticket and safe passage to Brazil.

          Smith was the regular courier for Ruby, taking guns to New Orleans and bringing heroin back. Police raided Smith’s Dallas apartment and found plans for the sewer system in Dealey Plaza. John Masen, gun shop owner in Ft. Worth, supplied stolen Army M-14 rifles to Ruby, which Ruby had Smith drive to New Orleans to supply the anti-Castro Cubans being trained there by Frank Sturgis and Gerry Hemming. John Masen was an LHO lookalike and the man who took the bus trip to Mexico City. His Spanish was good, but his Russian was execrable, which we have evidence of in the reports from the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City.

          After Ruby was in police custody, they searched his car, his apartment and his locker. In his locker they found a new Armalite AR-15, a BAR, seven new Army M-14 rifles and ‘an uncountable amount of cash’. Ruby’s room mate was George Senator, a gay man who was pals with Robert Surrey, the aide to General Edwin Walker. Senator and Surrey were members of the Minutemen. One of the shooters in Dealey Plaza was Jack Lawrence, a California Minuteman, stationed in the storm sewer drain opening high up on the north side of the Triple Overpass. Joseph Milteer was a Minuteman who told his undercover FBI snitch that JFK would be killed in Dallas by a high powered rifle fired from an office building. Milteer himself was photographed in Dealey Plaza.

          Ruby co-ordinated with Gen. Walker, who was involved in meticulous detail planning for secret raids during WW II. Gerry Hemming and Loran Hall were introduced to Gen. Walker in Dallas in January 1963 by Warren Reynolds, another Minuteman. They had both just been released from jail in Miami where they were held following a raid by US Customs at their No Name Key training camp, following the information supplied to the feds by LHO. Oswald got them busted in Miami in December 1962 and he got them busted in New Orleans by the FBI on July 31, 1963. And LHO had a third bust set up in Dallas for the suppliers of their guns (Jack Ruby and John Masen) on November 20, 1963, but lack of co-ordination between ATF and the FBI caused the bust to go sour. Dallas police ended up chasing the perps at high speed. The perps crashed their Thunderbird and ended up incarcerated in the same cell block as LHO was later brough to on Nov. 22. ATF agent Ellsworth was astounded to see LHO brought in, as he thought this was the same guy he had apprehended two days earlier. But Elllsworth had actually arrested John Masen. The two men were close enough in appearance that a trained agent was fooled.

  30. Great article Staffan and Pete. I have a question. Do you believe that the Payne’s (moreso Ruth, but perhaps Michael too) were part of the set-up team of Oswald? and if so, do you feel they knew what they were doing beforehand? To this day Ruth says she believes that Oswald acted alone. Which I feel she says because she fears for her life.

    Also, what are your thoughts on James Files? He seems to know a lot and is a great story teller, but some of his stories don’t add up.

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