March 29, 2025
Minox Spy Camera
Minox Spy Camera

Gerry Patrick Hemming discusses the provenance of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Minox spy camera. Hemming’s sources indicate that the specific Minox camera found in Oswald’s room, following the assassination of JFK, bore the same serial number as the one Hemming had given to Eduardo Perez [aka: Bayo or Eddie Bayo].    According to Hemming, Richard Billings of Life magazine, gave Minox cameras and other equipment to him for the purpose of supplying them to “various groups” who were inserting recon teams into Cuba. This was done with the proviso that Life Magazine would have first pick of the photographs coming out of Cuba.

Richard Billings of Life Magazine
Richard Billings of Life Magazine

At the time that Oswald worked at Stovall Chiles, it had a section involved in making military maps of Cuba. Oswald had access to that section. Hemming speculates that Oswald may have been assigned the task of taking photographs of those maps. It should be further noted that Richard Billings was among the team who were present from Life when the film of the assassination taken by Abraham Zapruder was purchased from him by the magazine.

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